Tuesday, July 31, 2018

I will do 12 dna strand activations and healing

I will do 12 dna strand activations and healing


With 12 Strand DNA Activation 10 additional strands will be activated These are non-physical (5 double non helix) strands.  These strands are inter-dimensional and affect 3D physicality as encoded information contained within our DNA, which is relative to both our physical and spiritual lineage.   Scientists refer to these 10 strands as shadow strands and they have lain dormant until now.

The 12 Strand DNA Activation will assist with you becoming a conscious multi-dimensional lightworker as your soul evolves into higher frequencies by activating your DNA code beyond its twin strand spiraling DNA helix. This consciousness is much vaster then the veil allowed prior to this activation.

Benefits May Include:

  • Heightened Awareness
  • Heightened Intuition,
  • Clairvoyance and Clairaudience
  • Strengthened Immune System
  • Regeneration of dis-eased Cells
  • Physical Body Detoxification
  • More Energy – Look/Feel Younger
  • Clearing of Genetic and Karmic Patterns
  •  Higher Connection to the Divine Receipt of Your Spiritual Birthright Gifts
  •  Better Health
  • Greater Connection to Spirit Guides, Angelic Realm and other Dimensions


daphneblue:I am So Grateful for this Amazing Attunement! Immediately, things that do not serve me are no longer attached! I feel much SAFER in the World! A huge amount of stress has been lifted and a huge burden released! Discernment and higher intuition have increased. I am able to put up boundaries now, when necessary, which was very difficult before.

daigita7zarina:I wanted to thank you Sir for this DNA Activation.\nSince the first day i noticed this tingling and other \nsensation in the head area (crown chakra) Its been going like\nthis for couple of days.If you want to feel changes in your life i highly recommed you\nto buy from Anderson, because he is the real deal.

andersony:Thank you :)

rodriggo:Great communication and fast delivery,\nThanks

andersony:Thank you :)

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