I will round out the session the best to fit your needs.
Basic session creates the power base to lift vibrations for the session, one topic is included in basic session.These sessions take longer to do and are intense, so I wanted to offer a few common topics in a very focused manner to give it a big punch of energy to your needs and wants. You may switch a topic out to another to fit your personal needs.
Example topics of a power session: Prosperity, Abundance in all forms, Balancing Hormones both male or female - these get out of alignment with cosmic shifts and also from spiritual growth work and life, Personal Empowerment like letting go of things that do not serve you anymore or releasing self-image, self-confidence. self-esteem or self-love issues we often have about ourselves and also Money Empowerment which is a different mindset than Prosperity or Abundance. Also topics like Protection, Giving and Receiving Love, promoting Weight Loss, and Manifesting.
I'll gradually add more topics - you may request topics and I'll work on creating multi-layered sessions to match by using many healing and empowerment forms for each power session.
Now offering an Angel and Fairy healing option. Good for love, compassion & personal growth.
Thank you.
alliswell1111:Thank you so much, Kela! I immediately had abundance after you did this concerning my life. I should'nt be surprised but do many things just fell in my lap immediately. It's like a door flew open immediately after you did this! All the services you did were so strong and immediate. Thank you so much
drcdugas:thank you - i always appreciate your support and work :-)
shamanicspirit:amazing session as usual, feeling the effects already!
drcdugas:wonderful - thank you! reading this makes me smile SO widely! when he reaches the fullness of this healing, the clarity of his incredible beauty will be soooo much more keen and brilliant - idk what imma do; he already overwhelms me!
spudboy01:Absolutely love working with Kela and perfect timing again
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