Tuesday, August 28, 2018

I will clear negative cords from you

I will clear negative cords from you


Do you ever feel uncomfortable around someone for no reason?

Have you felt uncomfortable around a person following a stressful event and although you forgive them, you still feel awkward?

Do you ever feel a person connected to you?

A person can send attachments or bonds to you through anger and resentment and other harmful emotions. These are negative cords that actually attach to you physically and energetically. These can drain your energy, cause pain, disease, depression, and so much more. 

When we have negative feelings and have a moment of anger towards someone else (which we all do since we are humans) we can create that negative cord. These cords can drain us and harm our health.

These cords can be really old and new ones can be added. Also, someone might just attached to you (unconsciously) to get energy thus draining yours. We need to cut those. 
clearing negative cords does not mean clearing the person from your life (That is always op to you who you allow in your life). This means that you are cutting a cord that is a bridge for negative energy to move back and forth.


treva75:Awesome experience

tamcakes:Divine Dew is the best healer on fiverr.

divinedew:Thank you dear!

john2goodhue:Outstanding Experience!

divinedew:great to work with!

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