Wednesday, June 27, 2018

I will tell you exactly what kind of energetic block you are have

I will tell you exactly what kind of energetic block you are have


js-gig-main-desc ">Are you feeling stuck? Stuck around money? Your body? Someone in particular?

For just $5 I will connect with your energy and let you know exactly what kind of block you're dealing with, where the block is located, and which emotions are associated with the block.

With this $5 reading, you will know the exact underlying issue of why you are stuck.

So jump in, let's get you UN-stuck! buh-bye blocks!

Be sure to check out my gig extras <3 so I can clear that baby for you.


oren_b:Amazing - hit it spot on! Thank you

wholebeingrn:So sweet and generous! Thank You!

sunny814:A lovely experience!!! Prompt detailed very helpful!!! A sweet caring person!

wholebeingrn:Sweet and caring energy

gene1j:Thanks for your help.

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